Title: The Following Casework # 2
Publisher: Arcane Inkdustries
Writer: Jack Holder
Artist: Lucas Santos
Colorist: Chunlin Zhao
Letterer: Micah Myers
Price: $ 5.00 US (digital)
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.arcaneinkdustries.com/
Comments: Grace is a teacher who defended her students.
Titus and Bev question a woman who knows some magic. Now Bev is an elf which her ears kind of gives away. They are investigating some caves. The Priest in town and the townspeople do not want them there.
Titus and Bev it appears are some kind of investigators for magical occurrences.
Grace, now she is a hothead and much more. The use of the color red here is so well done. It enhances the eye to make it eye-catching and you will not want to look away.
There needs to be more of an explanation as to who Titus and Bev are and why they are doing what the are and what kind of world they live in.
The magic aspect makes this story interesting and it is not overdone. The mention of gods new and old plus the showing of some magic adds a mystery to this comic. You will want to know more about what is happening. The illustrations of magic with the color of color really makes the art pop.
We get a bit of a cliffhanger ending here. It will make you want to come back to see what happens next.