Title: The Couch # 1
Publisher: W.i.N. Pictures, LLC
Words: David A Byrne
Pictures: Matt MaGill
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Websites: www.thecouchcomic.com , www.ohjeezcomics.com
Comments: Miss Jasmine Rodriguez goes into work as usual only to find things are not usual today. Dr. Warren J. Lee her employer is there and it is easy to see from how he is drawn and his words that he is uncomfortable.
Jasmine and Warren were not only co-workers but also a couple. Both do not end well. Warren though does come across as a real jerk.
We see his first patient for the day and the description of what he has will leave you wondering what it means.
The art is a bit off and the proportions too.
Than the Wrecking Ball stops in he is a super-hero. For some reason, his face is not shown. Maybe to keep the attention of the Dr. and his patient. After the super-hero leaves its back to business as usual.
Warren seems a total mess and he does not seem to be perceiving the real world as normal people do. He needs to see a shrink.
The comic is actually fun and Warren is a cute character. The Wrecking Ball is one big super-hero. Now how are these two going to interact? Dr. Warren J. Lee is a bit out of it yet still he is likable and just a common guy with common problems that you can identify with.