Title: The Circle # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written by: Damon Clark
Art, Cover & Colors by: Alysia Zherno
Edited & Lettered by: Zen
Variant Cover by: Ivan Shavrin
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlab.com
Comments: This book contains teenagers speaking like teenagers and stuff you would see in horror movies.
A dad and his son are making a new start. His name is Christian Reynolds and he gets to go to her new school.
The art has a soft look to it. It seems subdued. So it does not pop out at you but does sit there.
Christian is finding out being at a new school and being the new guy is not that easy.
Christian makes some new friends as well. They have one of the coolest hangouts ever.
Now the story may be going somewhere but it is not there yet. You are kind of left wondering what will happen to make this comic worth reading.
Christian is your basic underdog that you will be routing for.