RICH REVIEWS: The Casagrandes # 1 “We’re All Familia”

Title: The Casagrandes # 1 “We’re All Familia”
Publisher: Papercutz
Writers: Andrew Brooks, Sammie Crowley & Whitney Wetta, Angela Entzminger, Rebecca E. Banks, Jared Morgan, Julia Rothenbuhler-Garcia, Derek Fridolfs, Kristen G. Smith, Jair Holguin
Artists: Erin Hyde, Ida Hem, Way Singelton, Zazo Aguiar, Jared Morgan, Karolyne Rocha, Suzannah Rowntree, Ron Bradley
Colorists: Erin Hyde, Hallie Lal, Way Singleton, Ida Hem, Vic Miyuki, Jared Morgan, Vic Miyuki, Zazo Aguiar, Ron Bradley
Letterers: Wilson Ramos Jr., Ida Hem, Jared Morgan
Cover Artists: Maaike Scherff and Caue Zunchini
Price: $7.99 US (PB), $12.99 US (HC)
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, and Sid are all hanging out on a rainy day. A good imagination can go a long way to making a day fun even if it is raining.
Ronnie Anne and her big brother Bobby spend the day together. The two of them find out they share so much in common even Rocky Road Hot Fudge Sopapillas ice cream. This brother and sister team is so close.
Ronnie Anne makes deliveries groceries an exciting adventure. When Catzilla strikes Ronnie Anne is all action. A vivid imagination can make anything fun.
Doing homework with Abuela can be something else and her way of getting you to do it makes it better to just do it.
A noisy city can be better than a noisy family. Certainly less distracting.
Bobby is so helpful to his family he does everything they ask and it keeps him overly busy. The poor boy yet it is done in a way that makes it fun and entertaining to see.
Ronnie Anna puts her babysitting skills into the text. Her little brother Carlitos is a handful. Ronnie Anna also puts her imagination into the text reading Carlitos a story with help from the rest of the family to add things to it.
Sid has fun sledding with her pet. Her pet is a lot more daring were Sid is cautious. She does get a more wild ride thanks to Ronnie Anna.
Ronnie Anna does make a great team leader at the arcade. She knows what she wants and goes about getting it.
The Casagrandes’ family is so much fun to hang out with especially Ronnie Anna.

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