RICH REVIEWS: The Blade of Miracles # 1

Title: The Blade of Miracles # 1
Publisher: SRCC Press
Story/Art/Lettering by: Trevor Hankins
Editing by: Paul Hankins
Price: $ 1.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: An anamorphic rabbit finds a sword. The writeup at the start lets you know this is Excalibur otherwise you would have no idea.
The art is very simply drawn with nice solid lines. The comic is done in black and white. The backgrounds are sparse. A lot of the time there is no background at all in the panels.
An anamorphic wolf or fox finds the rabbit and both want the sword. Now a hard-hitting fight ensues. The panels show the results of each attack but not the whole fight.
It turns out that both the rabbit and the wolf are on the side of the angels. Jack and Lancelot partner up to go on an adventure. What will the adventure be? Finding the sword yes but why?
The story needs more detail in it. Why are these two after the sword? Who are these two? Who is the mystery person peeking at them?
This comic has the bare bones, it needs to be fleshed out more. To care about the characters you need to know something about them. Both are likable.

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