Title: The Black Knight # 1
Publisher: Zenescope
Story: Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco, Dave Franchini, Terry Kavanagh
Writer: Terry Kavanagh
Artwork: Sergio Arino
Colors: Robby Bevard
Letters: Saida Temofonte
Cover: Sean Chen with Ivan Nunes
Variant Covers: Igor Vitorino with Hedwin Zaldivar, Jay Anaceleto with Ivan Nunes, Alan Quah with Komikaki Studio, Leonardo Colapieto, Blank Sketch Cover
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.zenescope.com
Comments: Peyton Parks is the Black Knight in the modern world. She is illustrated in black armor with it revealing enough to bring out her sexual side. The close-ups of her face show a strong and beautiful woman.
The story skips over the origin of this Black Knight way to fast. Then it lingers on the fact she is a lawyer and defending a criminal.
The Black Knight stands tall in court as she is the defender of those in danger. She is posed in some awesome poses that really show her off well. She even has a steed and mounted on it she is a sight to see. Peyton even in her normal clothes is stunning.
What is Nadia and what is Ursa the set up for when these two meet in battle is done with a nice build up of suspense?
The Black Knight is a feared warrior and Peyton keeps that part of the legend alive. The Black Knight is a feared countenance that will make mere mortals fear her.