RICH REVIEWS: The Art of Calavera The Undead 

Title: The Art of Calavera The Undead
Publisher: Hangman Comics
Art by: Nevin Arnold
Created by: Nevin Arnold
Price: $ 5.00 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: This book lets you fully enjoy the art of Calavera as it is all art covers and interiors. She is illustrated as a woman with a punk rock gothic appeal that is a visual delight with a creepy side to it.
Mike Stone’s pin-up has some wonderfully drawn dreadlocks, the skin tones gave a flat lifeless look to Cadavera. The one eye is drawn with an eye-catching effect.
JB Monares pin-up has Cadavera dressed with a few great accessories.
Kevin Redden pin-up now this one will catch your eye as it delivers a touch of horror.
RB White pin-up has some nice magical energy to it.
Nevin Arnold pin up the red added to this otherwise black and white drawing makes it pop.
Josh Kully pin up this has a touch of reality in it. The colors and tones are well done. The setting fits the character.
Dan MacKinnon pin-up shows a woman of arcane power. Her outfit has a gothic sexuality to it.
Shay Hahn pin-up with a happy Calavera. Her thighs are drawn to thick to suit the character.
The last pin-up is done with green and black and white and we see a wonderful effect is created.

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