Title: Tank Girl Full Color Classics # 1
Publisher: Titan Comics
Covers and Art by: Jamie Hewlett
Written, Designed, and Curated by: Alan Martin
New Colours by: Tracy Bailey
Price: $ 6.99 US
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Websites: www.titan-comics.com , www.tank-girl.com
Comments: This is a rough and dirty comic. The art definitely shows the characters as more than just rough around the edges.
As Tank Girl goes after some kangaroos the blood and guts start. Tank Girl has fun going after her bounty. The best part though is she drives a tank. Yes she has her own tank.
The government gives Tank Girl the strangest and worse missions and unimportant ones you can not imagine. Plus having the unexpected happen is a nice touch to the story.
The humour is putty mouth and it is so much fun. Tank Girl is a blast to read and see.
Vex God a bounty hunter is after Tank Girl for the million dollar bounty on her head. This story just takes twists and turns you could never in a million years see coming. Tank Girl drives her tank and it is the craziest ride you will ever see. The art shows off the excitement and all the thrills of it.
Tank Girl’s personality is so crude and rude that it is adorable. The full page spread of her with God’s bathrobe is priceless. Tank Girl actually trades away the robe. What she trades it for is unbelievable. No one else would have done what she did.
An artist does a nice tribute art drawing to Tank Girl and she just enjoys its beauty. It is a painting of life her life.
Tank Girl is the most off the wall crazy babe you are ever likely to see. She is beyond other girls and the world she lives in is beyond crazy. She fits right in. These classic stories are the most fun you can have legally.