Title: Synap # 1
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Chris Moses
Artist: Andrea Giannini
Colorist: James Offredi
Letterer: Reed Hinckley-Barnes
Cover: Ivan TaoVarient Cover: Stephen Byrne
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.madcavestudios.com
Comments: The story starts with people in sensory decompression tanks. Angeline was in one twenty years ago and now she is at the bottom of the ocean. She accidentally finds something.
So a giant robot might havecrash-landedd on Earth in the year 2030. So a program was created for people to train to be able to drive this robot and it is not an easy training course. Teens train hard and go through a lot. This program has been going on for a long time.
Nice art throughout the comic. The robot head will get you wanting to see the completed body.
The story gives away a little about what is going on but not enough. What exactly is going on? Where did this robot come from? It is hinted at that it could be aliens.
Dad is an authoritative figure. The others shown are people that he is using. The others shown all center around Dad.
The feel of this issue is it is a sci-fi/horror genre comic book yet the story needs a focus.
Angeline might be the main character yet here that is unsure.