Title: Sweeties: Summer Coco Vol. 2
Publisher: Papercutz
Story by: Cathy Cassidy
Written by: Veronique Grisseaux
Art by: Claudia & Marco Forcelloni
Colorists: Drac and Reiko
Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.
Cover Artist: Claudia Forcelloni
Price: $9.99 US, $14.99 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.papercutz.com
Comments: Part One “Summer”
Summer is a ballet dancer and she is illustrated as a very pretty girl as she dances. All the bridesmaids look so pretty in their dresses. This comic does a wonderful job illustrating all the female characters.
Three girls at the ballet school get a chance at an opportunity that is exciting. Summer now pushes herself and it is easy to see way to hard. You know what she is doing will have consequences. Summer and her big sister grow closer together as they both have trouble with their lives. It is nice to see them both together doing the right thing for each other. Young teen girls do get a lot of pressure and stress in life. Here we see just what that can cause.
This part does get into a serious problem that can occur with young teens just wanting to fit in. Summer realizes she has a problem and faces it.
Part Two “Coco”
Coco is twelve and the youngest in her family. She likes to ride horses but is still a beginner. She is a caring girl. The art has her looking very cute. She is a determined young lady when she sets her mind to something.
It is wonderful when Coco stands up to the school bully. Her life involves way more than your normal pre-teens. She is so cute and lovable.
The lives of the people shown here are extraordinary with normal people leading them.
These sisters shown here are Sweeties.