Title: Supernaut # 2
Publisher: 215 Ink
Written/Drawn/Colored/Created by: Michael David Nelsen
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.215ink.com , www.50footrobot.com
Comments: The recap does help explian what is going on and about the characters.
There is a lengthy write up about reincarnation. It does go on and on. The backgrounds are filled with lovely colors.
Next Supernaut sees different reincarnations of himself. Tha onto an alternate Earth.
Supernaut is gathering weapons to fight a pseudo God. Here he is after the Godbreaker armor. To get it he has to go through a creature. This creature is illustrated as a nightmarish thing.
Supernaut has three of the five artifacts to be used to defeat the God.
The story is way to wordy and over explains the armor. More action and less talking would be better. Plus all the words used are hard to follow what they mean.
Supernaut though does plan to take down a God and watching him prepare is the main story line here. The build up is starting to get more intense.