Title: Super Late Bloomer (PB)
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Price: $ 14.99 US, $ 19.99 Can
Creator/Writer/Artist: Julia Kaye
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.andrewsmcmeel.com
Comments: This book as told by Julia Kaye in illustrations tells the story of Julia becoming a trans.
For Julia making these changes in her life was not easy but it was the right thing for her. The art style is cute. Julie is drawn herself as a cute woman.
We follow her through her life and see the ups and downs. You will find yourself feeling what she does. The writing and art do help you to understand her situation.
The key here is that Julia does do what is right for her. She worries about what others think way too much. The important thing is what she thinks. We see the good part is that the more Julia gets used to being trans the easier her life becomes. The art does show the changes occurring in her body as she goes through the changes associated with this.
We see she has a hard struggle but it is what is best for her and she deserves the best. Julia had the courage and resolve to change her life for the better.