Title: Stuff of Nightmares: Slay Ride # 1
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Created & Written by: R.L. Stine
Illustrated by: Pius Bak
Colored by: Francesco Segala
Lettered by: Jim Campbell
Main Cover by: Francesco SegalaVariant Covers by: Miguel Mercado with Cover Design by Dylan Todd, Jenny Frison, Francesco Francavilla, Jae Lee & June Chung, Zu Orzu, John Giang, Ejikure
Price: $ 7.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: A Santa enters a family’s home and the Christmas spirit turns into a nightmare. This Santa is one sick bastard. He is on a killing/stealing spree and has no moral values at all. The art of a bit vague.
The narrator of this story is way more evil and vile than this evil Santa.
Santa now has an event in his life that triggers his psychotic side. He was an okay guy just living out his life and not bothering anyone and then he loses what he most cares about. It breaks him and he loses it.
Santa has a very unpleasant surprise in his sack. Santa ever goes down a chimney. This Santa has lost it.
The narrator is creepy and his red glasses stand out. His butler is also quite frightening but everything is so low-key. The art does not show off the story well enough. The Santa yes is a killer he is not shown or written as really evil.