RICH REVIEWS: Strain the Seas Scarlet

Title: Strain the Seas Scarlet
Publisher: Self Published
Writer: Ryan K Lindsay
Artist: Alex Cormack
Lettering: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Yelena is on a world under attack. She gets dumped in space and then what happens there is no explanation for. Where does this transition come from?
The outer space scenes look fantastic and the colors are beautiful. The spaceship is an awesome sight.
Yelena fights for her planet and its people although this fact is not made overly clear. Plath is one assumes the leader of the invasion of Yelena’s world. Again it is not made clear.
The comic needed some of the questions in it answered. The final ending though is a powerful sight. It shows how far a being will go to defend what matters most to them.

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