Title: Star Trek/Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 4
Publisher: DC/IDW
Written by: Mike Johnson
Art by: Angel Hernandez
Colors by: Alejandro Sanchez
Letters by: Andworld Design
Cover: Angel Hernandez/Colors Ester Sanz
Variant Covers: Isaac Goodheart/Colors by K. Michael Russel, Tony Shasteen
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Websites: www.dccomics.com , www.idwpublishing.com
Comments: We see the planet Oa. We also see Sinestro land on the planet Oa.
Khan is putting up a good fight. Well until Uhura blasts him with the Enterprise’s phasers. Uhura is level headed but she can be vicious.
Sinestro and Khan are the worst enemies of Hal and Kirk and you just know they are going to meet eventually. When they do will it be as allies or enemies?
The characters from these two universes do not entirely mesh well together. They do have similarities in personalities.
The characters are not the main focus but the Corps made up of Lanterns and Star Fleet made up of personal. You can tell they are from two different universes but they can work together.