Title: Speed Republic # 1
Publisher: Mad Cave
Writer: Ryan K Lindsay
Artist: Emanuele Parascandolo
Colorist: Michele Monte
Letterer: Joamette Gil
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Website: http://www.madcavestudios.com
Comments: The race is on. Sebastian one of the many racers comes across as just an ordinary guy.
Poor Seb he is an idiot He wants to see the world and leaves everything he loves to do so.
The race is shown with a lot of competitors at the start but after that, you only see a few at a time. There is very little action of any kind. A little driving and some fighting yet nothing overly exciting.
This issue is setting up the coming issues. It would be nice to learn more about the characters and why they are doing what they are. Why do so many people compete in this race is there a grand prize? What does the winner get? Why should we care about this race? People seem to hate it and the racers, why?
Sebastian has an older sister who is also in the race. Why what is her reason for being in it?
The does look good yet it does not deliver much of a challenge for the artist mainly drawing boring scenes of people and vehicles.
Seb is a man that we are given no idea what his purpose in life is? He is just there existing.