Title: Space Ghost Vol. 1: With Only Ghosts To Comfort Us (GN)
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: David Pepose
Artist: Jonathan Lau
Cover: Francesco Mattina
Price: $ 24.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments; This collects issues one through six.
Jan, Jace, and even Blip with their dad are under attack from pirates. The pirates are a unique sight. Jan is the tough sibling; you do not want to mess with her. These two siblings suffer great loss, and then from the shadows he strikes. He strikes hard and fast.
The Galactic Patrol shows up and these space police are not doing a great job. Space Ghost jumps in and finds himself in a hard fight.
Blip it seems is much more than just some monkey. Jace and Jan are shown as capable as they fight. Jan is the physical one and Jace is mentally smart. Both love each other.
The art is gorgeously done. The aliens have a nice variety of species. The personalities of the characters are brought out in the art as well.
Jan does step up. She is couragous. Space Ghost though is shown in a scene with Brak and evil pirate. If you were unsure about Space Ghost being tough you will not be after seeing this.
Space Ghost may be tough but he is also caring.
Space Ghost in action is a whirlwind of dark justice. He is like Batman in outer space with futuristic tech. Space Ghost is pure excitement.
Space Ghost takes Jan, Jace and Blip home. He acts as a tough guy but he is caring.
Here we see Space Ghost aka Dax’s pain. He has suffered greatly. He fights evil because of his pain and suffering.
Space Ghost as he takes care of an asteroid field he is illustrated as a powerhouse. He goes right to work doing what has to be done. The poses he is in are striking.
Jace is reckless. Jan is more stable. Blip the monkey can shoot.
The energy monster is one big threat. The four of them work together as a team to handle the situation. Jace is good with tech and Jan is just good.
The team pose is stunning. It is wonderful too see both Jace and Jan illustrated as kids. No sexualization of Jan. Space Ghost is obviously in charge.
Blip is still a bit of a mystery as he is no ordinary monkey.
The interrelationship within this newly formed team works so well. Space Ghost needs these kids as a balance in his life. They need him as well. So it is a symbolic relationship.
The space ways are becoming safer and evil better beware. Space Ghost has emotion, fun, and excitement that will leave you exhausted. Thrilling space adventures live again in these pages.
Space Ghost, Jan, Jace, and Blip are all battling lizard slavers. The action is hot and furious and Space Ghost is all business.
The monkey Blip is who Robo Corp wants. It would be nice to learn more about him.
The Widow comes to Space Ghost and she has a plan to hurt Robo Corp. Space Ghost is not thrilled to work with her but Jan and Jace convince him. They have in a short time grown on him and now influence him.
The group does work well enough together. The Widow a criminal is making an effort to get along to get what she wants.
The Widow has the power to control plants and we get to see alien ones. She is a good villianess for Space Ghost. She is money hungry and is smart. Jan now she steps up against the Widow and shines as she takes control. It is great to see her act on her own and stand up against this foe.
The art showing the action is exciting. The battles are explosive.
Space Ghost is a force for good that never stops and his companions are too.
Zorak is an insectilevillainn who is ready to slaughter all in his way. He leads religious fanatics in his death cult. He kills others to try to release his God Lokar. Zorak is evil yet he seems oddly different than most criminally mad murders.
Space Ghost stresses to Jan, Jace, and Blip how much of a danger Zorak is. They stay while he goes after Zorak alone. Space Ghost finds Titanor one huge powerful threat. Space Ghost finds himself hard-pressed.
Jan and Jace intercept a call for help. As they respond, they are surprised at who the attackers are. We see here why Space Ghost protects them, they are not ready for the biggest threats. They are capable of handling small threats.
Lots of suspense is built up and used. You will be fearful for the children. You will also feel Space Ghost’s pain. Zorak holds all the cards or so it seems. Space Ghost will be hard-pressed to figure a way out of this mess.
Space Ghost is such a strong character he never falters not even against a creature as evil s Zorak.
The art beautifully updates the characters.
This is not a superhero comic it is an adventure one that will have you on the edge of your seat. The thrills and excitement are boundless.
Space Ghost is face-to-face with Zordak. He is there to rescue Jan and Jace. Zordak is on a mission and crazy enough to let nothing stand in his way. He has a religion believing in a God that may or may not be real.
Zorak is using the twins Jan and Jace to control Space Ghost. Zordak is fanatical.
Here we see Blip in action. This little monkey is more than just a little monkey. His actions betray his intelligence. Blip is a valuable member of this team.
As the battle starts there is a moment between Jan and Space Ghost which is heartfelt. When he spoke she listened and understood the most important part of what he said all the rest was not all that important.
Now being just a made up God and not real well Space Ghost may have been wrong about that. Zorak is thrilled at seeing his God emerge.
The art is so beautiful as Space Ghost is illustrated as a tough muscular man on a mission. Zorak is shown as an alien insectoid being that is angry and bloodthirsty.
Jace is affected by the battle. He has never been in a truly deadly one such as this.
This issue does end with a startling action that is unexpected.
Professor Moltar does not appear entirely sane. He is going after Contra Industries to destroy it. The art does show him and his creations as a menace. His creations are molten threats.
As Moltar and his Moltan Men battle Space Ghost is action packed. This villain looks amazing as the art brings him to life.
Jace is suffering and unsure how to deal with killing someone. It is putting a strain on the whole team.
When Space Ghost dives into action the art illustrates him as a strong, hard, powerful man. He acts believing in himself. He knows what has to be done and he does it without hesitation.
Moltar is a foe worthy of battling Space Ghost. Moltar has the power to beat Space Ghost.
Space Ghost, Jan and Blip are in need of help. It is emtional as Jace faces his fear and does what he knows is right and what needs to be done. People need help and he is the only one who can help. Jace acts.
So much emotion with Jace and Space Ghost as they along with Jan and Blip are a team again and more than just a team a family.
Space Ghost is hard-hitting excitement that is off the scale.