Title: Space Ghost # 9
Publisher: Dynamite
Writer: David Pepose
Artist: Jonathan Lau
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Cover: Francesco Mattina
Variant Covers: Jae Lee & June Chung, Bjorn Barends, Anthony Marques
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.dynamite.com
Comments: Metallus and his army is invading. Jan and Jace and Blip to of course are helping as best they can. Space Ghost is presumed dead at the hands of Metallus. Well he is a ghost after all and how does one kill a ghost. As Space Ghost reappears the art is dynamic a with so much action and power in it.
So Space Ghost has to use the resources at hand to fight Metallus and he does just that. Space Ghost does go straight after this powerful villian. These two go one on one. Space Ghost has a personal score to settle here. Space is filled with hate and he deserves vengence. He is also filled with love from his family even though they are no longer alive. Love to for his new family of Jan and Jace. This love makes him stronger than any hatred ever could.
Space Ghost is an inspiring hero. He is tough and strong yes but he is more than that. He makes others tough and strong through his actions and belief in them.
It was nice to see Blip helping out. He is so much more than just a space monkey.
It is nice to see all the characters; Jan, Jace, and Blip being used. Space Ghost is the star yet the others are used a lot.
Space Ghost here is shown in a softer light from when he had a family. He was not always so hard and it is nice to see that once in a while.