RICH REVIEWS: Space Ghost # 2

Title: Space Ghost # 2
Publisher: Dynamite
Writer: David Pepose
Artist: Jonathan Lau
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Cover: Francesco Mattina
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Comments: Space Ghost takes Jan, Jace, and Blip home. He acts as a tough guy but he is caring.
Here we see Space Ghost aka Dax’s pain. He has suffered greatly. He fights evil because of his pain and suffering.
As Space Ghost takes care of an asteroid field he is illustrated as a powerhouse. He goes right to work doing what has to be done. The poses he is in are striking.
Jace is reckless. Jan is more stable. Blip the monkey can shoot.
The energy monster is one big threat. The four of them work together as a team to handle the situation. Jace is good with tech and Jan is just good.
The team pose is stunning. It is wonderful to see both Jace and Jan illustrated as kids. No sexualization of Jan. Space Ghost is obviously in charge.
Blip is still a bit of a mystery as he is no ordinary monkey.
The interrelationship within this newly formed team works so well. Space Ghost needs these kids as a balance in his life. They need him as well. So it is a symbolic relationship.
The space ways are becoming safer and evil better beware. Space Ghost has emotion, fun, and excitement that will exhaust you. Thrilling space adventures live again in these pages.

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