Title: Space Bear (HC)
Publisher: KABOOM!/BOOM! Studios
Creator/Writer/Artist/Cover Artist: Ethan Young
Price: $ 14.99 US
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Comments: A astronaut a bear has crash-landed on an alien planet. Well, he is not happy about it but he continues on in order to survive. So he starts a look for food and he does find various things.
Now the bear sits down to enjoy his meal yet others are watching. Two different creatures watch him one a starving monkey type of creature and one a menacing shadow-like creature. The bear learns that pushing others away simply because they are different is wrong. When you are all alone it is good to have friends. Not everyone is an enemy if you are nice to them they might just be nice back.
This story is presented with just art no words are used or needed. The emotions come through clearly in the art. Facial expressions and gestures make it work and body language.
The bear’s name is only mentioned on the back cover, not in the story itself. He is Pilgrim Finch. The art is so beautifully done for an all-ages audience. The characters are so full of emotions. The art brings out their expressions clearly. The story is impressive as the bear learns that his mission is not as important as the lives of others. And making new friends feels so good.

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