Title: Sons of Fire Vol 1
Publisher: Bag & Board Studios
Writer: Adam Lance Garcia
Artist: Heidi Black
Price: $6.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Websites: www.adamlancegarcia.com,
Comments: Jacob Crowe is relating his story for a press interview. He was involved in a home fire. Jacob tells him about the fire where his father and brother died. There does seem to be questions about what exactly happened the night of the fire.
We see how hard it has been on Jacob growing up after the fire. He has had a hard time. His life was screwed up before the fire but after was worse. You will end up feeling for this kid. He did not deserve any of this.
This story is filled with black and white art that gives the characters a wonderful look. They are brought to life for your pleasure through the art and writing.
The story ends up taking an unexpected turn though. This will leave you wanting to know more.
Jacob will just captivate your heart.