Title: Sonic Universe # 92
Publisher: Archie Comics
Writers: Aleah Baker & Ian Flynn
Pencils: Adam Bryce Thomas
Inks: Jim Amash
Colors: Matt Herms
Letters: Jack Morelli
Cover by: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash & Ben Hunzeker
Shinobi Variant by: T. Rex
Price: $ 3.99 US/Can
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com , www.sonicthehedgehog.com
Comments: The Chaotix Detective Agency join the pirates. They and the pirates do spend a lot of time just standing around talking with nothing else happening.
Than two siblings are reunited. They both come across as regretting that they have been separated.
The story has the Chaotix traveling with the pirates and the Princess is there as well. She has joined the pirates for the adventure of it. So its unsure if she can be trusted.
Will Vector rescue the Princess? Will the Princess let him rescue her?
The art is well done but there are no great poses and there is no action.
Vector and his team are wonderful characters they just need to be used a whole lot better.