Title: Sonic Universe # 90
Publisher: Archie Comics
Writer: Ian Flynn
Pencils: Adam Bryce Thomas
Inks: Jim Amash
Colors: Matt Herms
Letters: Jack Morelli
Cover by: Tracy Yardley & Matt Herms
Knuckles Variant by: Evan stanley
Price: $ 3.99 US/Can
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com , www.sonicthehedgehog.com
Comments: Walter Naugus a troll wizard and now he has the Master emerald’s power.
Amy Rose shows her caring side. She can inspire others to keep fighting. She does leave a lasting impression. Amy Rose does shine in this issue. She is a great character who so often in under used. It is nice to see her being used a little more and getting the recognition she so richly deserves.
as the world is being fixed and put back together our heroes rush to put the Master Emerald back. The race is on and the heroes are at their best. They are giving it anything they have.
Well the adventure moves along and all the characters play their parts. Everything goes just as you would expect.
We actually get a happy ending and all is well with the world.