Title: Sonic The Hedgehog # 289
Publisher: Archie Comics
Writer: Ian Flynn
Pencils: Tracy Yardley
Inks: Terry Austin
Colors: Gabriel Cassata
Letters: John Workman
Cover by: Patrick Spaziante
High Flying Variant Cover by: Jamal Peppers, Jim Amash, and Matt Herms
Price: $ 2.99 US/Can
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com , www.sonicthehedgehog.com
Comments: Sonic is battling robotic turtles and chickens. Snively does have some interesting toys. Sonic though does not play nice with them.
Eggman also has a big surprise for Sonic. One huge Sonic robot. Its all metal and very strong but also slow. Sonic is shown using his speed to the best effect against it. The battle is presented without all that much build up or excitement.
Eggman also has another surprise and this one is even bigger and badder. Sonic is drawn with one fearful expression. Can even he survive this? It is a nicely done cliffhanger ending.
These retro issues of Sonic’s battles with Eggman are wonderful to see.