Title: Sonic The Hedgehog # 287
Publisher: Archie Comics
Writer: Ian Flynn
Pencils: Tracy Yardley
Inks: Terry Austin
Colors: Gabriel Cassata
Letters: John Workman
Cover by: Dan Schoening and Luis Antonio Delgado
Editor Super Variant Cover by: Vincent Lovallo
Price: $ 2.99 US/Can
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com , www.sonicthehedgehog.com
Comments: Sonic and Chip are in one huge battle for it all. Dark Gaia is making this fight tough on them. Sonic does look good all golden. As this battle goes on Sonic and Chip the Light Gaia push on. They give it their all and they save a world and not only save it but restore it.
Chip is treated with respect here. His character deserves it all. His strength and confidence makes all the difference in his last great battle.
Beautiful colors and great art on the characters makes this look good and the battle scenes though they are confusing to look at making it hard to follow the action.
The last page is a touching scene that will leave you with a good feeling inside.