Title: Sliced # 2
Publisher: Sliced Quarterly
Writers: various
Artists: various
Cover by: Lukasz Kowalczuk
Price: free online
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: http://slicedquarterly.co.uk/
Comments: “Self(ie) Obsessed” Script by Chris Sides, art by Max Meier and design by Ken Reynolds.
Taking selfies can become to obsessive. For Jake it certainly does. He loses track of everything around him and that is not all he loses. You can see the ending to this coming. It is still entertaining. The art is pasty looking.
“I Am” Script by Ben Peter Johnson and art by Freja Steele.
Yes he does look down upon us all. This story has a religious feel and look because it is religious. It does have a nice flow to the words. The art has a nice black and white look to the drawings.
“Uncolorform” By Lukasz Kowalczuk.
The people are colored either pink or yellow. Well there is not much sense if any at all to this story. The art is simply done so nothing outstanding about it.
“Wall Cats” By Kathryn Briggs.
This story has no meaning to it other than someone watching some cats that sit on a wall. That is it.
“We Dance” Script by David Thomas, art by Denis Vermesse and letters by Ken Reynolds.
A native tribe does dance. The art captures the moment nicely and the story tells how dance does incorporate all aspects of life.
“Spotlight on Installation” Script & art by Ben Peter Johnson and letters by Ken Reynolds.
This short story makes no sense. Its about filming a movie. But still nothing happens and there is no action or story.
“Misenabym” Script by Daniel Ableev, art by Bob Schroeder and letters by Ken Reynolds.
Poor story and poor art make for a poor comic. It makes no sense at all.
“Aphrodite Rescuer/Greek Gods at War” By Saffron Knight.
Nice colors and the poses are ok. There is some nudity. The two are just art.
“Rat” By Simon Mackie.
Aw this is such a touching story about a boy and his dog. You will feel both happy and sad. The art is great for this type of story.
“Small Press Preview “Sunnyvale Blues” By Team B Comics, script by Iconnu James and art by Tom Merke.
A gambler takes his friends money to pay his debt. He is not a nice guy.
This is an anthology of stories with a variety of different topics.