Title: Sleigher: The Heavy Metal Santa Claus # 3
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Story: Rob Harrington
Co-Creator: Adam Horrigan
Artist/Cover: Axur Eneas
Colors: Alessandro Alessi
Letters: Chas! Pangburn
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: This book contains characters that are better at life than you, sorry.
Sleigher gets to face a huge group od past foes of all the Santas before him and some of his past foes to. They are lead by Gryla. These evil doers are drawn in a variety of beings. There are clowns, squirrels and even an Optimus Prime look alike. Gryla though is the worst.
We see vintage Santa here in battle. This comic does show you Santas as you have never seen them before.
Sleigher with some help escapes his bag. He is ready to rock and roll. This Santa is called Sleigher for a reason. Look out evil doers he is on his way and if you have been naughty your on his list.