Title: Sky Guy # 1
Publisher: Popskull
Written by: Alin Silverwood
Art/Colors by: Ryan Best
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: The first thing you notice is a beautifully shown city, Aerotown Vernon, in the sky, floating, and the outfits the people are wearing look amazing they fit right in with the settings. The bowler hat and goggles on Sarina are cute.
An accident occurs and those involved all care about Loris. Aaron Skye, Tom, Sarina, and Marbury along with the injured Loris make up this team. Tom is a loyal robot to Loris. The team’s main concern after Loris is how to keep earning money.
Sarina can make weapons. Her Thunderbluster is a simple design yet it does look impressive.
There seems to be some kind of racism going on between those who live in the sky and those who live on the ground. Marbury is from the ground and two chaps decide they do not like that. Marbury as he delivers a thrashing is a gentleman about it. He is a very likable character.
Aaron meets with the Governor and gets a special mission for him and his team.
Something is up as someone wants Aaron and the team stopped. Who is behind it all? Then, you know what really hits the fan.
The steampunk-type atmosphere with these characters blends into it so nicely. The team functions so well together with each member being different from the others yet meshing as one.
It will be interesting to see where this story goes next. One thing is sure it is going to be one wild exciting ride.

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