RICH REVIEWS: Shinobi: Ninja Princess: The Lightning Oni # 3

Title: Shinobi: Ninja Princess: The Lightning Oni # 3
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Illustrations by: Martheus Wade
Written by: Martheus and Janet Wade
Interior Colors by: Gene Fayne
Cover by: Martheus Wade
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: Turra, Ai and Shianndrea are three beautifull females who can fight. They are masters at martial arts. They now have a mission.
A Oni attacks he looks like a demonic samurai. They attack the Masters and the battle is over fast. To fast to really be enjoyed.
Shianndrea has to deal with a rumor and lie being spread about her attacking to try to hurt another student. Shianndrea is sure she is innocent.
These teen martial artist students have so much potential but this comic is done like a drama not an action one. Lots of internal frustrations between the students as well as some friendships.
Shianndrea is a cute teenager and highly skilled these need to be focused on more than the drama.

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