Title: Shinobi: Ninja Princess: The Lightning Oni # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Illustrations by: Martheus Wade
Written by: Martheus and Janet Wade
Interior Colors by: Martheus Wade and Gene Fayne
Cover by: Martheus Wade & Gene Fayne
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: A woman in red is drawn lovely although her arms and the other characters arms are drawn to skinny. They are not proportional. One panel her legs are drawn super thin. She wants an Oni summoned, a demon.
Then we switch to the Toshigawa Clan. Shianndrea vs Hamasuke
in a sparring match. The poses are impossible ones for real life people. Plus the martial arts for poses these are not illustrated as they should be.
Fujiko is jealous of Shianndrea and angry enough to fight her with both fists and words. Shianndrea needs to learn more control. She is a powerful ninja but controlling that power is important.
Shianndrea does have many friends here and one who dislikes her in their home. She has so much potential.