Title: She’s Josie (GN)
Publisher: Archie Comics
Written by: Frank Doyle
Art by: Dan DeCarlo, Rudy Lapick, Vincent DeCarlo, Bill Yoshida & Victor Gorelick
Price: $ 10.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: “A Gym Dandy” Josie is doing her best to get fit and to get her friends fit. Alex proves being rich can get you out of doing almost anything.
“Neat Workers” Josie and Pepper get Albert and Sock to help them out. Well, the boys do such a good job they even clean up after themselves. The boys do pull a fast one on the girls who are trying to trick them.
“Footlight Follies” A school play turns out not to be as much fun as it could be.
The art style is an old-style classic in these stories and it is so beautiful to see.
“It’s Curtain Time” The show does go on. The Producer does certainly has confidence in his play. Well, he does afterward. It is kind of a funny ending.
“League Leader!” Melody has a unique way of convincing students to not be superstitious. She does have a way about her that is so dumb that it’s brilliant.
“Disaster Area!” Melody is built just right to cause the boys all kinds of problems. She distracts them to know the end. She does make a lovely distraction though.
“We Aim To Please” Josie’s boyfriend Albert does try to please. If he tried any harder he would be in a hospital. The story is funny just not overly so.
“Second String” Josie’s gift is taking her place in Albert’s heart. Josie does start to feel jealous of her gift and resentful towards Albert. He is acting like an uncaring boyfriend.
“Music For Millionaires” Alexander Cabot III is too rich for his own good. He uses money to impress and it does not work. Some things are more important.
“Moist Minstrel” Poor Albert can be totally clueless which of course gets him into trouble he does not really deserve. Well not totally. He is fun to follow along with as he lives his life with two girls chasing after him.
“The Song Is Ended” Melody and her twisted saying will have your head spinning as you try to make sense of them. Also once in a while they do make sense which is scary cause you can understand her.
“You’re The Tops” The gang works hard to get some fair tickets and well things just do not work out. All is not lost though. They have fun in the trying and maybe they will still get what they want. They are cute to watch.
“A Run For Your Money” The gang goes to the fair and has fun. Then Alex loses his wallet and all the money in it. No money, no fun at the fair.
“Fair Play” A search for Alex’s wallet finally gives him some relief as he finds it. There was one wild chase and search for it.
“Cereal Story” The gang decides they do not like the fair and want it gone well until things change as they often do.
Josie McCoy has so many wonderful adventures in these stories and more. Her friends especially Melody are something else. You will love following Josie and her weird and strange life filled with a wild time.

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