RICH REVIEWS: Shelter Division # 1

Title: Shelter Division # 1
Publisher: Source Point Press
Written by: Bob Salley
Art by: Francesco Tomaselli
Letters by: HdE
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: The chase is on Chaplin is after his man. A high-speed foot chase is on. Meanwhile back at the lab, a fight is on.
Some dangerous technology has been stolen.
The art has a vague quality to it. it is subdued as is the coloring.
The story and the characters in it need more explanation. There are aliens involved and technology.
There is a shootout on the subway that involves a woman. It does get exciting. Why though do people want this woman?
Some interesting characters permeate this story we just need to know more about them to care more about what happens to them.
The mention of inter-dimensional travel is a good premise for a comic and the use of secret clandestine operatives is an idea that works.

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