RICH REVIEWS: SHE: At the Tower of All That is Known

Title: SHE: At the Tower of All That is Known (HC)
Publisher: Comix Tribe
Writer: Ryan K Lindsay
Artist/Letterer: Chris Panda Mercier
Price: $ 30.00 US, $ 38.00 Can
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: She is a purple haired, blue skinned beauty. She yes that is her name does some kind of job. Something happened to make her take a break from work. What though is a mystery.
She is shown on some kind of mission and she finds herself attacked. The two do get into a hard hitting fight.
She is drawn with one big gun. It is well designed and suits her perfectly. She is also drawn with one nice looking butt.
The story needs to explain more about who She is and what is going on. You are given little tidbits yet it needs to be delivered so you have an idea of who She is and what she is doing and why?
The back cover gives you an explanation of who She is and what she does but otherwise you will be left guessing. The art does deliver a beautifully illustrated book. The art shown after the story in pin-up pages and character pages fills in some of the gapes in the story.
A side part of the story is She has a daughter. Why though is this a concern?
The character She and her supporting ones have so much potential.

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