RICH REVIEWS: Sgt. Flag # 4

Title: Sgt. Flag # 4
Publisher: G-Man Comics
Story: Rik Offenberger
Art by: Gilbert Monsanto
Letters: Eric N. Bennett
Cover: Stefani Rennee
Variant Covers: Gilbert Monsanto, Marat Mychaels & Norm Rapmund
Price: $ 10.00 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: The art starts off flat and is lacking in details. Then there is a full-page pin-up style page that is stunning. Having Sgt. Flag using all PG-13 words is cute.
Filming Sgt. Flag on the job well he is not too happy about it, yet orders are orders so he does his duty.
The color tones of the skin are different they do work though.
Jake one of the villains is illustrated in an exciting pin-up style page. He is posed ready for action.
It is nice to see Sgt. Flag, his sister, and their mother are all just enjoying a family get-together.
This issue has a film crew go along with Sgt. Flag on his day. Otherwise, it is business as usual. Sgt. Flag is a man who obeys orders in his own way and gets the job done. He is a man of explosive action. Like a gun, point, shoot, and look out for the incoming disaster on those who deserve it.
Sgt. Flag works hard and enjoys the simple things in life. He is a man we can all identify with.

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