Title: Sgt. Flag # 3
Publisher: G-Man Comics
Story: Rik Offenberger
Art by: Gilbert Monsanto
Letters: Mike W. Belcher
Cover: Stefani Rennee
Variant Covers: Gilbert Monsanto, Butler & Monsanto, Steven Butler
Price: $ 10.00 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: g-man-comics.com/
Comments: A black silhouette is a being kidnaps one of the G-Man. Atomik Bombshell is in trouble. Sgt. Flag is confident he will get her back from the alien ship. Sgt. Flag once aboard the ship is going full all-out attack mode. He just plows through the aliens. Sgt. Flag is illustrated as a man of action and the poses clearly show this. Plus his outfit shows he is patriotic.
Flag is a man driven to complete his mission. He is loyal to his team. He may not have powers but he sure has willpower.
There are a few other superheroes in this issue. Agent Kirby, Mummy Girl, and Atomik Bombshell are featured. Mummy Girl and Atomik Bombshell are both in action. Atomik Bombshell is powerful when she gets angry things start to get destroyed. Mummy Girl has magical powers that are limited and she tires fast using them.
The amped-up action makes this issue special. Sgt. Flag is an all-out American badass who loves to jump head-first into the fray. He has the skills to back up his bravado.