Title: Sgt. Flag #2
Publisher: G-Man Comics
Story: Rik Offenberger
Art by: Gilbert Monsanto
Letters: Francisco Zamora
Cover: Mike Gustovich
Variant Covers: Gilbert Monsanto, Butler & Monsanto, Juliette & Leao, Steven Butler
Price: $ 10.00 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: g-man-comics.com/
Comments: Someone has been murdered what this has to do with Mr. Mystery is unclear and Sgt. Flag is sent in to find Mr. Mystery. The writing seems to say Mr. Mystery is dead and then that Sgt. Flag is going to rescue him? The creatures shown who are they? Omicronbie is mentioned but is that a person or group? Nothing about them is explained. The two creatures shown are they aliens or monsters it is not stated. The art seems to jump back and forth between two styles one is simpler and the other much better. The little red creatures that attack Sgt. Flag makes for fun scenes as they chase him. It would be nice to know what these things are or even a clue of some kind. The back of the comic has a couple of pin-up pages and these are masterpieces. Sgt. Flag is a man of action. He goes on his mission knowing he will be killing someone or something. The story needs a clear focus and having the reader be at least a little informed about the players on the board helps to make the reader feel more involved. Sgt. Flag is a tough man, one who knows what he is and what he does.