Title: Sensational G-Girl # 5
Publisher: Heroic Publishing
Written by: Dennis Mallonee, Terrance Griep
Art by: Henry Martinez, Dell Barras, Luis Rivera
Colors by: Dick O’Malley, Giuseppe Pica
Letters by: Dick O’Malley
Price: $ 4.99 US, $ 5.75 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.heroicpublishing.com
Comments: “Surprise!” G-Girl gets a surprise birthday party from the Champions. It is wonderful to see super-heroes enjoying the normal things in life.
“Wired Science” The art is a little too weird in the way it illustrates faces. G-Girl as Billi Jayne attends a school dance. Being a guy in a girl’s body though can make one nervous. Now a boy is up to no good and Sylvia, the Last Vampire plans to stop him. Her fangs look sharp. G-Girl joins in which side will she be on?
G-Girl’s costume is far more than just a skimpy outfit. It is amazing as she makes use of its unique abilities.
Well, the fight is short and not really a fight at all. The two girls spend most of the time chatting. The end of the fight sees G-Girl dancing with the villain who was not really a villain at all.
“The Source” How does G-Girl get her powers? Well, here you find out. She originally got her powers from the Olympian Gods. Getting into the heroes lives is as much fun as seeing them fighting. You get inside their heads and really learn who they are. Title: Sensational G-Girl # 5
Publisher: Heroic Publishing
Written by: Dennis Mallonee, Terrance Griep
Art by: Henry Martinez, Dell Barras, Luis Rivera
Colors by: Dick O’Malley, Giuseppe Pica
Letters by: Dick O’Malley
Price: $ 4.99 US, $ 5.75 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.heroicpublishing.com
Comments: “Surprise!” G-Girl gets a surprise birthday party from the Champions. It is wonderful to see super-heroes enjoying the normal things in life.
“Wired Science” The art is a little too weird in the way it illustrates faces. G-Girl as Billi Jayne attends a school dance. Being a guy in a girl’s body though can make one nervous. Now a boy is up to no good and Sylvia, the Last Vampire plans to stop him. Her fangs look sharp. G-Girl joins in which side will she be on?
G-Girl’s costume is far more than just a skimpy outfit. It is amazing as she makes use of its unique abilities.
Well, the fight is short and not really a fight at all. The two girls spend most of the time chatting. The end of the fight sees G-Girl dancing with the villain who was not really a villain at all.
“The Source” How does G-Girl get her powers? Well, here you find out. She originally got her powers from the Olympian Gods. Getting into the heroes lives is as much fun as seeing them fighting. You get inside their heads and really learn who they are.