Title: Savants # 1
Publisher: Source Point Press
Created and Written by: Gary Reed
Illustrated by: Seth Damoose
Colors and Letters by: Sara Sowles
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Website: www.sourcepointpress.com
Comments: Ngon is eleven and lives in a small Vietnamese town. She also has a very good memory.
Raven, Inc. has all kinds of people working for them including a little girl named Amy and she is a precog.
The art is simplistic. The faces need more detail and focus. This applies to the backgrounds as well.
The story makes little to no sense at all. What is going on here? At first you might think children with special abilities were being gathered together. But that is not shown. The story focuses on Amy but what is going on with her.
Ngon and Amy both seem as if they could be interesting characters if they were better used.