Title: Samson Ashcan
Publisher: Biting Comics
Words/Story: Ben Lacy
Pencil/Inks: Jhonesbas Craned
Colors: Anton Polkhovskyi
Lettering: Nikki Powers
Price: free online
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.bitingcomics.com
Comments: Here we see the Nazis experimenting on twins. We skip ahead in time and one twin is all grown up. Mr. Samuel Zucker is being given a mission the Uberfuhrer is alive.
A look into the past shows the Uberfuhrer and Samuel when he was a mere boy. The Uberfuhrer is illustrated as a powerhouse. Sam does throw a hard strong punch. He is fearless.
This Ashcan introduces the characters and gives you a guide to how the story will go. The reference to Sam or Samson cutting his hair if you have not read the biblical story you might miss.
The evil of Nazi doctors is made clear and these men are so easily hated. The two main Nazis here are based on real-life ones.
The back of the book has an Illustration of Samson’s super-hero suit. The Israeli motif on the costume and the Israeli symbols show an attention to detail.
Samson is a retired working man coming out of retirement to resolve some unfinished business.