Title: Archie Comics 80th Anniversary Presents: Sam Hill Private Eyes Meets Archie and the Gang # 12
Publisher: Archie Comics
Featuring the Talents of: Ian Flynn, Jeff Shultz, Bob Smith, Jim Amash, Glenn Whitmore, Jack Morelli
Price: $ 1.99 US (Digital)
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com
Comments: “The Case of the Long Con” Sam Hill wonders into Pop’s Chocolate Shoppe and a mystery is brewing. Sam is a cool character and laid back plus he is observant which makes him a good Private Eye.
“The Case of Hiding in Plain Sight!” Sam Hill gets an assignment which shows he is a romantic at heart. It also shows Archie is a good guy who cares about Veronica and she about him.
“The Case of the Triple Cross” Sam follows Veronica Lodge for Mr. Lodge and what he finds out, puts Mr. Lodge in one happy mood. Archie we see has gotten himself into so much trouble with not one, not two but three girls. Poor Archie.
“The Case of the Walk-Away Shows” Veronica sends Sam and Betty on a wild goose chase which just proves she is not all that caring of others.
Sam Hill is your traditional old style gumshoe. He gets a case and stays with it to the end. This Private Eye gets the job done.