RICH REVIEWS: Sabrina Annual Spectacular # 1

Title: Sabrina Annual Spectacular # 1
Publisher: Archie Comics
Stories: Ian Flynn, Dick Malmgren, George Gladir, Frank Doyle
Pencils: Steven Butler, Dick Malgren, Bob Bolling, Dan DeCarlo
Inks: Lily Butler, Jon D’Agostino, Rudy Lapick
Cover: Steven & Lily Butler with Rosario “Tito” Pena
Letters: Jack Morelli, Bill Yoshida
Colors: Glenn Whitmore
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating:  4 out of 5 stars
Comments: “Awakening!” Ember Nightstone is up to something wicked. She summons Mother Striga to help her. This story just gets started when it ends. It does set up for a coming battle of witches.
“Grounded” Witches and aliens do not mix. Especially with Harvey around to make things exasperating. The story is short and fun with good art.
“Haunt Taunt” A scam artist tries to scam three witches. When dealing with witches things do not go normally. It is fun to see the crooks run.
“January White Sale” Poor Harvey tries and his heart is in the right place, things though never seem to work out right for him. He should know when to just leave things alone but he does not.
“Strange Love” Sabrina needs to look better before she leaps with her magic. As far as love well it all works out in the end.
Sabrina is a magical delight. She will draw you in with her bubbly personality. The art shows her off as a young cute witch. This witch is a nice one.

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