Title: Saban’s Power Rangers: Artist Tribute (HC)
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Artists: Kris Anka, Jeannette Arroyo, Bachan, Daniel Bayliss, Chuck BB, Ricardo Bessa, Barry Blankenship, Ryan Browne, Dylan Burnett, George Caltsoudas, Jamal Campbell, Derek Charm, Janice Chu, Hannah Christenson, Luca Claretti, Esdras Cristobal, Abigail Cruz, Benjamin Dewey, Mattia Di Meo, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Mark Eastwood, Jake Elphick, Valeria Favoccia, Kyle Ferrin, Veronica Fish, W. Scott Forbes, Jordan Gibson, Adam Gorham, Greg Smallwood, Robert Hack, Zak Hartong, Jason Ho, Arielle Jovellanos, Mike Krome, Joana Lafuente, Dajung Lee, Jose Lopez, Tula Lotay, Felipe Massafera, Paul Maybury, Dan McDaid, Denis Medri, Miguel Mercado, Robb Mommaerts, Jorge Monlongo, Goni Montes, Dan Mora, Steve Morris, Phil Murphy, Kael Ngu, Conor Nolan, Diego Olortegul, Dan Parent, Brett Parson, Walter Pax, Leonard Peng, Gabriel Picolo, Luca Pizzari, Paul Pope, Jakub Rebelka, Jam Respicio, Cody Schibi, Hayden Sherman, Felipe Smith, Kris Smith, Marcio Takara, Marcus To, Julian Totino Tedesco, Wlifredo Torres, Artyom Trakhanov, Vanessa R. Del Rey, Scott Wade, Sarah Webb, Rich Wentworth, Lucas Werneck, Brittney Williams, Jake Wyatt, Xermanico
Cover by: Felipe Massafera
Price: $ 24.99 US, $ 28.99 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: This comic is celebrating 25 years of Power Rangers with beautiful art tributes from artists around the world.
Includes over 60 pieces of original art, featuring Ranger teams across all 25 years, from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to Power Rangers Ninja Steel.
This comic starts out with the Power Rangers leaping into action in a stunning illustration. The illustrations do show the various incarnations of the Power Rangers.
The pictures do bring out the full range of variations the Power Rangers have gone through since they first appeared.
we get to see the Power Rangers out of costume as well. The individual pin-up pages of each one are outstanding and there are even ones of Bulk and Skull. Their various weapons are shown to.
Of course, we see Zordon and Rita. The Zords are awesome machines. Rita looks every inch the evil Queen she is. We get a look at other villains as well and the Power Rangers have faced a lot of them.
There are lots of action shots with the Power Rangers going into battle. It also shows that these teens are friends and care about each other. They are always there for each other.
The art herein does show the Power Rangers as ordinary teenagers but first and foremost they are heroes.