Title: Ruby from Planet Oz # 1
Publisher: Taurus Comics
Story by: Kyrun Silva
Pencils, Inks, Color Finishes by: Kyrun Silva
Inks: Larry Haines
Coloring Flats by: Gerome Suyman Repaja
Lettering by: Nikki Powers
Price: $ 6.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.tauruscomics.com
Comments: On the Planet Oz the coloring on the buildings are stunning is this issue.
The Evil Queen has some uninvited guests coming to visit.
This is not your original Wizard of Oz, things are way different here.
Ruby and her group of freedom fighters may have been shot but they are not down. They face the Queen’s minions. Ruby has the Lion, the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the Wizard all of them are fighting against the Queen. There is also a version of T.O.T.O now the Wizard may be the leader but it is Ruby that they all revolve around.
We get a brief glimpse at how Dorthy aka Ruby came to be on this alien planet. She has grown up fighting to be free and for others to be free too.
Queen Amalia the wicked queen of the west is evil. She is drawn looking like an ordinary queen her army of simians helps set the mood of her being evil. The art on the characters especially the simians is done great. A simian army would be frightening. The Queen looks good yet talks with evil intent.
Ruby and her friends are all fighting hard against the Queen’s army. The Queen’s army is larger than Ruby’s small group and Ruby fights well yet the odds favor the Queen.