Title: Riverdale # 4
Publisher: Archie Comics
Writer: Michael Grassi
Artist: Joe Eisma
Colors: Andre Szymanowicz
Letters: John Workman
Cover: Francesco Francavilla
Variant Covers: Robert Hack, T. Rex
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com
Comments: We learn here Riverdale does have a lot of closet gays. Kevin though is not in the closet he stands tall and proud of who he is.
The art on an Archie Comic is rarely this bad. It’s flat and lifeless.
Veronica and Betty take Kevin to a gay bar. Things do not work out to good. Poor Kevin. Will he ever find love? Who knows it could be just around the corner.
Kevin does not make that much of a contribution to Riverdale.
The gay angle is being played up way too much. Yes, Kevin is gay but do we need to have it continuously said over and over. He is shown as a good guy who only wants to find love.