Title: Replicator # 1
Publisher: Robert Arnold
Writer/Creator: Robert Arnold
Art: Armin Ozdic
Colourist: Ross A Campbell
Letterer: Jamie Me
Price: free online
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.facebook.com/replicatorcomic/
Comments: London, England a virus has decimated the people of England. The Red Death is lethal and relentless. We see how the world reacts and also the people of England.
There are some exciting action-packed scenes of fighting but why are these two fighting? It is skill vs power.
In England, there is a sanctuary for the disease-free. Things do start happening just that they are not explained. Who are these people, what are they doing and why?
The art is good and does show off at the start one person with the Red Death very well. The black assassin as she fights looks great. The guy whoever he is with the huge sword is great in battle.
The story needs focus and we need to know more about the characters. The idea is a good one and the art as well is good.