RICH REVIEWS: Remember Andy Xenon?

Title: Remember Andy Xenon? (One Shot) (GN)
Publisher: Self Published
Writer: Tom Pinchuk
Illustrator/Cover: Nikos Koutsis
Colorists: Eva De La Cruz, Beth Sotelo
Letterers: A Larger World
Graphic Design: Dave Lanphear
Guest Artists: Kevin Castaniero, Lesley Vamos, Joel Gomez, Clay McCormack, Alfa Robbi, Enis Cisic, Charles Paul Wilson III, Patrick McEvoy, Joe Suitor, Farid Karami
Variant Covers: Freddie E. Williams II, Brent Schoonover
Price: $ 10.00 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: To start off we are given Andy Xenon’s origin. There is not much to it. There are a lot of strange characters shown though.
Here we see what happens to Andy when he loses the powers his belt gave him. He must adjust to just being ordinary and he does a great job of it. Then Andy’s life changes for a second time.
Andy meets Austin his replacement in the super-heroing. These two do put on a show as they battle it out.
Challenger A and Challenger X have both been reborn as new incarnations of super-heroes. They are getting the job done yet doubts remain are they doing the right thing. They are sure they are.
There is a huge written part at the end of the book with some pictures. This is presented well enough but does drag on.
The overall concept of a superhero turned ordinary guy and then back again as a superhero works well. Andy is a fun character who has fun being a superhero. You will be able to associate with him and his feelings. He is a great guy.

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