Title: Red Sunrise # 1
Publisher: J.D. Olivia
Writer: J.D. Olivia
Artist: Pascal Saint-Clair
Price: free online
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: twitter.com/@jd_Oliva , www.facebook.com/jd.oliva.9
Comments: The art style is really simple and basic. The characters are drawn stiff. The characters need to show more emotion in their expressions.
A Samurai on a journey does not fight when provoked. He does not fight when others might.
There is a battle of demon warriors vs samurai. The battle gets violent and bloody.
The characters need to be more fleshed out. We need to know more about them to care about them.
Who is this wondering not a samurai want a be? Why should we care about him? Where did the demons come from? Some mystery is ok but you need some information to keep you interested.
The demon warriors on one page are drawn in a full page pose that has them looking threatening.