Title: Proxy Mom (GN)
Publisher: NBM
Writer: Sophie Adriansen
Artist: Mathou
Translation: Montana Kane
Price: $ 19.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: A woman and a man fall in love. The two are shown living their lives just as happens in real life. It shows through art and actions the couple going through the process of having a baby. Then after the baby has arrived, they show what it can be like, no holds barred.
The story starts depressing yet it grows as it goes on and becomes so much more than it started as.
The mother is having trouble bonding with her baby girl. At home she still is but the father is an all-star. He handles so much so easily. The mother is having so much trouble adjusting to being a mother. She is not connecting at all with her baby.
Zoe is the baby girl, Chuck is the father, and Marietta is the mother. The art is simple and fits the story perfectly. It shows the life these three people live.
A proxy mom is a perfect mother. That does not exist though.
Marietta has trouble being a mom and she rarely talks about it to anyone. She keeps it all in. There is help available and she should use it.
Everyone is validating Marietta as a mom who accepts her. Some time away from her baby we see her start to change things and her outlook. Marietta does take her time but she does fall in love with Zoe. It is a beautiful thing to see as she blossoms into what she always wanted to be. The Proxy Mom does exist here and she always did.

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