Title: Project: I.M.P.A.C.T. # 2
Publisher: ADR Comics
Written by: Alan Russette
Art by: Stephan Petersen
Colored by: Linda Scott Campbell
Cover by: Stephan Petersen
Lettered by: Richard Lumsden
Created by: Alan Russette
Price: $ 2.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.facebook.com/projectimpactcomic/
Comments: Toronto, Ontario, Canada at Project: I.M.P.A.C.T. Headquarters. Here we see Pulsar and Recap watching a training workout with Seism, Moose, and Damsel.
Seism now he has powers yet we see he is feeling underappreciated. He wants in the heart of the action instead of training first.
Pulsar is shown taking on a villain one Huoyan Dashi, Master of Flame. Pulsar finds himself in a fight against more then he thought at first. This battle does have a nice twist to it. The dragon is beautifully illustrated as it attacks. Pulsar is shown as your average super-hero working for his county to make it a better place.
In this issue, we see super-heroes, yes but the people are also shown as just people. They may have superpowers yet they are still just ordinary people when it comes down to it.
There is a mystery going on here. One that is sure to cause our heroes some future trouble. It does slowly start to build the suspense for what is to come here.
This Canadian super-hero team has a unique approach as they are representing a team of true heroes who are doing a job they love for themselves and their country.