Title: Princeless: Raven The Pirate Princess: Year Two # 2
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written by: Jeremy Whitley
Art by: Xenia Pamfil
Lettered by: Justin Birch
Cover by: Xenia Pamfil
Variant Cover by: Sarah Suhng and Kate Flash
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: The ship is under attack and Raven is overboard and missing in action.
Katie is left in charge. She really takes charge and riles up the other females. The crew now they fight without killing. They are humanitarian pirate girls. These girls though can fight and are tough. The fights are just toned down though.
Romance is in the air and water here. Raven, Sunshine, and Ximena how will this play out? Also, each issue tells you a little more about the crew and as you learn more you care more.
Romance and action on the high seas will have you enjoying this adventure.